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Can I leave the charger in the cigarette lighter?

Both theory and experience show that you can leave charging in the cigarette lighter of most modern cars. Nevertheless, some risk remains. In older models, leaving the power supply on is not recommended.

Cigarette lighter in car

Factors: what weighs

What determines the degree of danger? From several conditions:

  1. Does the electricity turn off and when. In more modern cars, the voltage supply to the cigarette lighter, radio, etc., stops immediately as soon as the engine turns off, after the allotted time (usually within 15 minutes) or after the driver opens the door to exit.
  2. Is there moisture nearby? a sufficiently damp napkin, an open cup of coffee, a puddle of mineral water, etc. Often, especially in summer, motorists leave a bottle of water “in reserve” on the floor or in the cup holder. Sometimes it happens to leak in the ceiling hatch. A large volume of water for trouble or threat is not required.
  3. The quality of both the cigarette lighter and the adapter and the wire itself. The cheaper the components, the greater the likelihood of damage.

cigarette lighter charger

What is the risk

The main thing that motorists fear, if you read the forums, is to discharge the car’s battery. Indeed, if the electricity inside the cabin does not turn off (for example, in many Lada models), the charger will absorb energy all the time. The fact that the power is on, although the phone is disconnected from the wire, says the signal diode: it does not go out.

Another danger is fire. If the exposed contact of the wire gets into water, a short circuit is almost inevitable, and it is fraught with fire.

Shorting also easily breaks. In the best case, the cigarette lighter will burn out.

Phone is charging

Amendment to practice

As practice shows, it is impossible to discharge the battery with a forgotten power supply. As soon as the gadget is disconnected from the wire, the unit goes into standby mode and consumes a negligible amount of electricity.

The phone is charging in the car

But damage and fire are a very real danger. Any accidental puddle, wet clothes or umbrella after rain is easily closed contact and will provoke overheating of the electrical circuit. It is good if the passenger saved from the rain gets off with a slight injection of current. And if the wire, hanging like a vine, lies in a puddle of mineral water in a cup holder? ..

And still worth remembering about robbers. Any foreign objects, especially the light wire on the black plastic sheathing, attract the eye and seem to invite: I'm here, just open the door and take it. And at the same time, more valuable things like a radio, a set of tools in the glove compartment, etc. will disappear. magazine recommends that you charge the phone only while in the car and not leave the wires, especially under unattended voltage. Removing the adapter and putting it in a box under the dashboard is a matter of three seconds, and this can save you from serious troubles.

Phone charging

The power supply in the cigarette lighter is not dangerous for the battery, but voltage and bare contact is a hidden snake that can easily attack, and any foreign objects that can be seen through the glass are a provoking factor for robbers. Therefore, it is preferable to remove the adapter and charging as soon as they are no longer needed.

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