Is it possible to cook from expired kefir? Which kefir is safe, good recipes

Many housewives begin to cook pastries from expired kefir and do not even notice the difference. Kefir, which has not changed and has not found a rancid smell, will completely replace the fresh one. Use it calmly to prepare dishes such as pancakes, pancakes, pies, etc. The main thing is that he undergo heat treatment, it will kill all harmful bacteria.

Cooking Kefir Baking

Expired kefir - is it suitable for baking?

It is unlikely that someone will drink expired kefir, because it threatens an upset bowel or severe poisoning. But if the product was stored in the refrigerator and there are no visible signs of spoilage on it, then throwing it away would be wasteful.

To get the most out of yogurt, drink it fresh, preferably on the first day. After 24 hours, beneficial microorganisms begin to lose their strength. And an hour or two after the expiration date, the number of harmful microorganisms in the drink increases.

Important rule: smell the expired kefir and taste the drop. If there is bitterness and an unpleasant smell - it is better to get rid of the product and buy a new one.

Expired kefir

What can be prepared from expired kefir:

  • pancakes
  • fritters
  • pies
  • dumplings
  • biscuit,
  • mannick, etc.

What to bake: recipes and features of the use of kefir

The most secure home product, it does not rancid, like a store. There are a lot of various impurities in goods from the supermarket, and it is not known how they will behave in your body.

Homemade kefir will simply ferment a little, and the store will quickly begin to give a sweet smell, despite the preservatives in the composition. The standard shelf life of this fermented milk product, provided that it is in the refrigerator, is one to two weeks.

Homemade kefir

It is interesting that the closed pack after the expiration of the storage period in most cases will stand still a couple of days, but the open one quickly takes on a bitter aftertaste.

The magazine notes that the delay is overdue discord. Keep in mind that one month after the expiration date, kefir is dangerous to health. Use the product in the first two to three days after the end of the indicated expiration date, for a maximum of a week.


On fresh kefir, lush pancakes are most often prepared. Delay is also used for this purpose. It seems to some that with an acidified drink it turns out even tastier and more magnificent than with an ordinary one. Probably, it depends on the initial composition and quality of kefir, but the more acidic the product, the more beautiful the baking is.

Kefir fritters

The recipe for simple, but lush and tender pancakes:

  1. Combine 0.5 kg of flour, 0.5 tsp. salt, 5 tbsp. sugar and 0.5 tsp soda.
  2. Kefir (1 l) to begin with, remove from the refrigerator and let warm to room temperature.
  3. Slowly introduce the dry mixture into sour kefir, add 2 eggs.
  4. From the test of consistency of thick sour cream in a large amount of vegetable oil, fry lush pancakes.

Remember that sugar can aggravate the barely noticeable bitterness of expired kefir. Reduce the amount of this ingredient by half, especially since sugar is not necessary in the pancakes. It is better to serve them with jam, honey, condensed milk and other sweeteners.

If kefir has a fermenting odor, dilute it with milk. So the dough will not have a strange yeast aroma.

Sour kefir can be used in other recipes for fritters.


Openwork kefir pancakes in many housewives are favorite. A product overdue for a couple of days will not affect the splendor and taste of such pastries.

How to make simple kefir pancakes:

  1. Mix 0.5 liters of warm kefir and the same amount of mineral sparkling water.
  2. Insert 3 large eggs (or 4 eggs of the second category) into the mixture, add a little vegetable oil for elasticity of the dough.
  3. Salt, add sugar.
  4. Add the flour in small portions so that the dough regains the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  5. Fry the pancakes, pre-lubricating the heated pan with oil.

To bake the dough well, use room temperature products and let the mixture stand for a while before it goes to the pan.

Openwork kefir pancakes

Homemade kefir cottage cheese

From kefir with a natural composition, a very tasty and delicate granular curd is obtained. This is suitable for further baking (cheesecakes, cheesecakes), and for baby food.

Homemade kefir cottage cheese

To evaporate moisture and get cottage cheese, follow the instructions:

  1. Prepare a water bath: you will need a large wide pan and a smaller glass jar.
  2. Fill the jar with yogurt 2/3.
  3. Lay a piece of dense matter at the bottom of the pan. Put inside a jar of kefir and pour water into the pan so that it slightly rises above the level of sour milk.
  4. Put water on low heat. Kefir will slowly heat up.
  5. Track the moment when bubbles begin to appear in the drink. Note 5 minutes and wait.
  6. Prepare a colander, cover it with gauze so that a minimum of cottage cheese flows out.
  7. The longer the kefir stays in a water bath, the drier the curd seeds will turn out.
  8. Take out (only carefully!) A hot jar of kefir and pour the contents into a colander.
  9. Leave the cottage cheese for half an hour, let the moisture drain under its own weight.
  10. The last step is to cover the cottage cheese on top, squeeze with some dish and leave for another couple of hours.

Cottage cheese

Kefir should not boil, otherwise the cottage cheese will not work. That is why the housewives are cunning with a water bath and low temperatures. And, of course, the best option for getting cottage cheese is homemade kefir.

The expiration date on the packaging is indicated for a reason, therefore it is better to observe the indicated dates. Do not risk your health and do not cook with kefir, which is overdue for a week or more. In the store you can always buy a fresh product.

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