How to choose odorless paint for repair?

It is difficult to imagine a repair without staining. Odorless paint can make this process more enjoyable. To apply it is as simple as any other. Its main advantage is absolute safety, because organic solvents are used for the manufacture. It is especially good to use such decorative materials in homes where there are children and allergies. There are different types of such products. Which one to choose depends on the surface being treated.

Oil paint for walls

Features of oil paints

Flavourless oil paints - almost universal option. They are suitable for most work, internal or external, they can be used to paint floors and walls, and can be used on metal and wooden surfaces. In addition, they are convenient to make inscriptions or depict ornaments to decorate the walls.

The solvent in such paints is drying oil, which is mixed with special pigments that give one color or another. The main advantage of this product is its low price compared to other safe materials. She also has drawbacks: it dries for a long time, so it is convenient to use it in non-residential premises.

Water based paint

Water based paints

Water-dispersion paints are also safe. Water acts as a solvent in them; therefore, such materials will not cause any harm to health. It is not for nothing that they are often used in kindergartens - kindergartens and schools, as well as in hospitals. To wash off such paint from the skin, toxic substances are not needed, ordinary water will cope with this.

These water-based paints are white. To achieve a different tone, you need to add a special color scheme. Waterborne dispersion paints dry quickly and are moisture resistant. But they are not suitable for all surfaces. For batteries, wood, metal, it is better to choose other paintwork products.


It is not recommended to stain at an air temperature below 10 degrees and at a humidity of more than 75%.

Water-based paints have similar properties. They are mainly used for decorating the ceiling, since this part of the room is less exposed, does not suffer from humidity and practically does not wear out. If you need products for floors or walls, then you need to look for the corresponding marks on the package.

Wall painting

Acrylic paints

Probably the most popular are acrylic paints. Such products cannot boast of low cost, but its merits justify such a price.

  • It is absolutely safe, it has no toxic substances harmful to the health of painters or residents.
  • There is no unpleasant odor.
  • Drying speed will certainly please: you can walk on the floor painted with this product in a few hours. For complete drying, it will take up to 5 days.
  • Fire safety. It is impossible to call acrylic paint fireproof, but still it can reduce damage during fires.
  • Easy to apply. Even a layman can cope with this material, since it is easy to get a neat even layer of paint. For work, you can use different brushes and rollers.
  • Universality. Acrylic paint is suitable for processing surfaces from most materials. It is equally good for metal and wood.
  • Durability. The coating is not erased, does not succumb to the negative effects of the outside world: temperature extremes, bad weather, ultraviolet rays. Therefore, it can be used not only for internal work. Over time, it does not crack.
  • Special abilities.Antiseptic substances are added to some types of paints, which protect against the spread of fungus and mold. Other beneficial additives are dirt-repellent components. A surface with a similar coating can be washed less often. There are also water-repellent materials suitable for rooms with high humidity.

A feature of acrylic paints is the base is always white. To get a different shade, you need to mix them with a special color scheme according to the instructions from the manufacturer. Some stores do this on their own. It is enough to choose a suitable color in the catalog, and store employees will provide ready-made products in sealed packaging.

When purchasing quick-drying acrylic paint, you need to pay attention to the marking on the package. For example, there are products designed for rooms with high humidity. True, it should not be under the constant influence of water, for such areas tile is more suitable. If you need paint for windows or doors, then you should choose facade options that are resistant to the negative impact of the external environment. For painting metal structures at home, such as batteries and pipes, it is convenient to use products in cans.

Latex paint

Latex paint recommends paying special attention to latex paint - this is an advanced water-based material. It is of high quality and ease of application. Suitable for various surfaces, it is often used for walls: it fits equally well on plaster or wallpaper, including textured ones.

Latex enamel is resistant, it does not crack and does not swell. It can be used for bathrooms, only you need to choose species with high resistance to moisture. Another important advantage: this paint dries very quickly. An hour later, complete drying takes place.

Paint roller and brush

Application Recommendations

Odorless inks do not require special equipment. Suitable rollers, brushes for painting hard-to-reach spots. Large surfaces can be treated with a spray gun, however, the consumption of material with this method increases.

The surface should be prepared before processing. It is especially important to carry out this procedure for wood in order to get an even coating.

  1. Use a damp cloth to clean the floor or other surface from contamination.
  2. If there are resin outlets, they must be completely removed so that the surface becomes clean. Then putty the resulting hole and smooth it with sandpaper.
  3. If staining is not the first time, then remove the layer of old paint. After this, the wood must be puttied and sanded to make the surface absolutely even.
  4. Then you need to apply a deep penetration primer. For wood, this is especially important, since it has absorbent properties. It is best to use products of the same brand as the main coating.
  5. Before proceeding with the application, the paint should be stirred. If necessary, you can add a small amount of water according to the instructions.
  6. When the preparation is completed, it is time to proceed directly to the staining. To obtain the desired result, you need several layers, usually three are enough. Apply a new layer only after the previous one has completely dried.

Likewise, odorless paint is used to work on metal and other surfaces. Preliminary preparation will help to achieve a neat finish.

Flavourless paints cost a little more than usual, but their remarkable qualities justify such a price. If you use just such materials for painting, you do not have to worry about health. In addition, they dry very quickly, so they are convenient to use for minor repairs. You can choose products of this type for any surface.

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