The best way to wipe off fat from kitchen furniture

Daily cooking requires at least frequent cleaning in the kitchen. If you do not deal with the fat that appears on the walls, as well as kitchen furniture in a timely manner, then it will become more difficult to get rid of it later. Wet cleaning will help to keep the main room in the house in perfect order.

kitchen furniture

By wiping the furniture in the kitchen once every two days, it’s enough to just keep order. Having learned how to wash off grease from kitchen furniture, everyone will be able to effectively eliminate old spots!

What equipment to choose for cleaning?

Effectively wash fat in the kitchen, and at the same time not to damage the surface of the headset will help a properly selected tool. It must be remembered that the use of a soft cloth and sponge is the most sparing option for such cleaning. Textiles are relevant: cloth, microfiber, flannel.

It is better to refuse use of metal brushes for furniture. The use of such equipment will only damage the surface and also lead to scratches. The most effective result in the cleaning process is easy to achieve if you pre-soak the fat (applying the agent on it) for 30 minutes.

Do not forget that the formation of scratches from a hard brush will only lead to the fact that dirt will clog into voids much faster.

woman in the kitchen with rubber gloves

A wide selection of materials for cleaning the kitchen surface confuses many housewives. It must be remembered that a standard sponge or flannel rags will cope with its function no worse than highly specialized materials.

During wet cleaning, choose the right equipment, namely:

  1. Use rubber gloves. Such a precaution will protect the skin from cleaning products, as well as keep the manicure intact.
  2. Get a regular sponge. Such material will provide an opportunity to delicately get rid of new, as well as old problematic spots.
  3. Use a rag at the final stage of cleaning. With its help, it will be very simple to eliminate the remnants of imported detergent, as well as rinse folk remedy from the headset.
  4. Use a soft brush. By using such an inventory, it is easy to cope with complex pollution: on embossed parts, previously scratched surfaces.

Soda, lemon and sponge for cleaning

How to wash old fat in the kitchen?

In order for the wooden kitchen (and not only) to serve the family for many years, you should choose the right cleaning products. Using powders for furniture is best minimized, as they can damage the integrity of things and lead to scratches. Before choosing household chemicals for your kitchen, you should carefully study the composition of the product. To remove fat from the kitchen furniture as safely as possible eco-friendly means. They are made on a natural and mineral basis, make it possible to effectively cope with old spots. Eco-substances are safe for family health and the environment.

girl cleans the kitchen with rubber gloves

Do not buy detergents to remove fat, which include acids and ammonia. Such components will allow you to effectively deal with fat, but at the same time damage the headset. For cleaning glossy surfaces, as well as easily scratched furniture, it is important to use the most gentle chemicals, especially gels and sprays.

In order to remove stale fat, it will take much more time than in the case of a fresh stain. It is quite difficult to remove dirt from the hood, stove and other metal surfaces. Cleaning of such a section of the kitchen is best done in 2-3 stages.Each time, the surface must be pre-soaked and then treated.

To wash the kitchen set made of MDF and at the same time finished with a film or plastic, best of all with specialized means. Chemistry should not include abrasive or chlorine. When choosing a product, it is recommended to pay attention to the composition, as well as the instructions. Household chemicals for glass, wood or metal surfaces may vary.

If you did not have to use the product earlier (regardless of whether it is household chemicals or folk remedies), it is better to test its quality before use. magazine recommends testing the effect of the product on a small and inconspicuous area of ​​the headset, a similar measure will protect furniture from unwanted damage.

sponges for washing dishes

Before you clean the headset of fat, you need to carefully read the instructions. Using any chemical substance, it is recommended to adhere to such safety measures:

  1. Observe the indicated concentration of the product when cleaning the surface. Remember that using the substance in excess dosage is dangerous for the integrity of the furniture.
  2. Make sure that the room is ventilated. By opening the window, it will be very simple to prevent chemical poisoning and (dizziness) from a pungent odor.
  3. Wear rubber gloves. Such a measure will protect the skin on the hands, as well as manicure and nail plates.
  4. Make sure that there are no small children or pets in the kitchen during cleaning.

It is extremely dangerous if the baby overturns the concentrated composition on himself or drinks, seduced by the bright color of the substance or package. It is important to understand how to wash fat efficiently and safely.

Cleaning with folk remedies

A fairly simple and effective method of combating greasy stains is the use of laundry soap with soda. The soap should be grated and add a little water. A dirty surface is wiped with a sponge, which is pre-wetted in this solution. Then a small amount of soda is applied to the material and the problem areas are treated. After 20 minutes, the consistency is washed off. This option is suitable for cleaning tiles, slabs and other metal surfaces. However, do not forget that soda powder is an abrasive.

Water with vinegar (preferably apple) will help to qualitatively remove fat. This option will allow you to get rid of fat in the kitchen, but it will require patience from the hostess. It is necessary to moisten the dirty area with a rag and wait until the grease leaves, and then wipe the surface with a clean, damp rag.

cleaning countertops in the kitchen

Baking powder will help to remove fat from the headset. A little water is added to the component to form a slurry. Then the necessary areas are wiped with a sponge, and after 30 minutes the product is washed off with water.

Vodka or alcohol will help get rid of fat stains. Previously, the sponge is wetted in such a solution, then greasy places on furniture are wiped with it. If this type of cleaning does not work, then the problem area is thoroughly wetted with vodka (alcohol) for 30 minutes.

Ideally removes unpleasant odors and cares for the tree with essential oil (spruce or eucalyptus). It is necessary to add a few drops of oil to the water and wipe the surface with a sponge during the final stage.

Using a slice of lemon in the fight against stained spots is also quite effective. This option will allow you to safely clean the headset of fat. To do this, first wipe the kitchen cabinet with a slice of lemon so that the juice flows from the surface. After 10 minutes, the surface is treated with a damp cloth and again with a paper towel.

Effectively clean the headset from contamination will help citric acid. 15 g of acid and a little detergent are added to 1 liter of water. Such a cleaning liquid should moisten the problem areas and then wipe the surface with a clean rag.

Using vegetable oil and soda is another way to deal with dirt.To prepare the consistency, it is necessary to take both components in equal proportions and mix thoroughly. Such a mass is recommended to be left on the furniture for 30 minutes. Then the resulting lumps of fat should be removed with a rag. To remove contamination do not need to rub the problem area with a sponge. If for the first time the procedure did not bring the proper result, it is worth processing the headset again.

Kitchen cleaning

Clay combined with vinegar is also suitable for combating stains in the kitchen. To prepare the mass, it is necessary to dilute the clay with vinegar until gruel is formed. It is quite simple to eliminate pollution if you rub the surface a little with a sponge with such a home remedy. For washing the cleaning mass, a soft sponge is perfect, which must first be rinsed in water.

In the fight against fat, regardless of the method chosen (household chemicals or folk remedies), you must remember about safety measures. A cleaning agent for kitchen furniture does not harm health only if you ventilate the room every time after cleaning. When processing glossy or glass surfaces, you need to be especially careful. Household powder, as well as folk remedies (with a mushy mass) are not suitable for this type of cleaning - they scratch and mat the surface. To protect hands, gloves must be used; all bottles, sponges, and bowls with detergent should not be accessible to children and pets. Following simple rules will help keep furniture clean and attractive in such an important part of the home as the kitchen.

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